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How Long Does It Take To Get A Real Estate License?

No matter what part of the country you are in, getting a real estate license is a commitment. You will have to set aside quite a bit of time for all the studying and learning that is necessary. If you’ve wondered how long it takes to get a real estate license and become a real estate agent, we have put together this helpful guide.

On average, you will need to get somewhere between 60 and 90 hours of required education. On top of that, you will have to account for time studying and taking the real estate exam. However, the necessary education requirements are different for every state and some vary widely.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Real Estate License In California?

California has one of the highest thresholds of real estate education in the country. You are required to take 135 hours of real estate education before sitting for the exam. This can be completed in any manner that you see fit from an accredited real estate school.

The process of getting your real estate education in California and taking the exam will generally take 5 to 6 months. Depending on what type of real estate school you attend, it could be longer or shorter. For example, some schools allow you to take the courses at your own pace. If you are a fast learner, you could complete them quicker.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Real Estate License In Texas?

Texas is another example of a state that has a lot of education requirements for getting a real estate license. There, you must complete 180 hours of real estate education in order to be eligible for the exam. One of the things that sets Texas apart is that many of these classes are offered at community colleges and universities.

You must also apply for your real estate license through the mail with the Texas Real Estate Commission. This process takes time and must be accounted for in your licensing timeline. In general, though, most people get their license in 4 to 6 months total.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Real Estate License In Florida?

Florida has a required education hour count of 63 hours total. While this is on the lower end of the spectrum, there are other options available to you. For example, if you want to sell independently, you must get a broker’s license, which requires 2 years of experience.

Most people apply to take the required exam concurrently with their education. This allows you to be approved in time for you to finish your courses and immediately be eligible. If done properly, you could be licensed in Florida to sell real estate in 1 to 2 months total.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Real Estate License In Georgia?

Georgia requires you to take 75 hours of real estate education courses. Depending on how quickly you complete this, you could be finished with your education in 2 to 6 weeks. This will depend on what type of real estate school you attend and what the format is.

After that, you must take the state exam. The process of signing up and studying can take 1 to 3 weeks depending on when it is offered. If you are able to complete these steps quickly, you can obtain your real estate license in Georgia as little as 2 months.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Real Estate License In Ohio?

For the average person, it takes about 3 months to complete all the steps for an Ohio real estate license. You must take 120 hours of education from an Ohio real estate school in order to sit for the state exam. You must also factor in the time it takes to study and prepare for that exam.

In Ohio, you must submit to a background check and fingerprinting before you can be licensed. This process takes quite a bit of time and can slow you down if not properly thought out. Because of this, it is very important that you stay on top of all the applications and paperwork as you go.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Real Estate License In Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania requires 75 hours of accredited real estate education. This can be done in a classroom or with an online webinar or self-guided lessons. Because of this, the amount of time it takes you to complete the Pennsylvania courses may vary depending on your dedication.

While the total amount of time may vary, in Pennsylvania, most people complete the process within 4 months. Just like in other states, you must complete background checks and applications through the mail. Because of this, factoring in that time will help you get a better idea.

How Long In Colorado?

Colorado has a relatively high education requirement compared to the rest of the United States. With 168 required hours, how long that ends up taking will be up to you and the type of Colorado real estate school format you choose. Most people complete their education hours and testing in about 3 months.

The process of getting your background check in Colorado can take up to two weeks. This is a good chance for you to use that time prepping for the state exam. Many real estate schools offer exam prep crash courses so you can make good use of your time.

How Long In Illinois?

In Illinois, realtors are not called agents, they are called brokers. You must complete 75 total hours of education to be eligible to sit for the exam. However, these are broken up into two parts: 60 hours of Topics and 15 hours of Principles.

In Illinois, you must work under a managing broker who sponsors you before you can get your license. Because of this, time can vary between passing the exam and getting hired at a brokerage. Usually, though, people are licensed within 4 months of starting their education.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Real Estate License In New York?

New York requires a 75 hour salesperson course before you can take the state real estate exam. You must also be sponsored by a broker before you are eligible. New York is an extremely competitive market, so getting sponsored could take quite a bit of time.

Just like in other states, you must complete the fingerprinting and background check before getting licensed. Adding the factor of finding a sponsoring broker also adds onto the timeline. However, most people get licensed within 3 to 4 months of beginning the process.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Real Estate License In Michigan?

Michigan has some of the lowest education hour requirements in the country. They require you to take 40 hours of worth of real estate pre-licensing education. This can be done at the accredited real estate school of your choosing.

These 40 hours must include 4 hours of civil rights law and equal housing. Most real estate schools will include this in their curriculum for getting licensed. However, it is very important that you check to make sure it is offered before starting your education at any institution.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Real Estate License In Tennessee?

The way you complete your education hours in Tennessee differs from other states. First, you must complete 60 hours of basic real estate principles, which qualifies you for the exam. After passing, you must then complete a 30 hour New Affiliate course before getting your license.

These 90 hours can take time to complete, but while you are completing them, you can be productive. The fingerprinting and background check in Tennessee can take up to 4 weeks. If you get that process started while taking your courses, you can efficiently complete the process.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Real Estate License In North Carolina?

North Carolina has an education requirement of 75 hours for people looking to get their real estate license. You must also complete a criminal background check with the state before applying. Luckily, most real estate courses have a unit on completing this important step in the curriculum.

While you can get your license right after passing the state exam, there will be more steps afterwards. You must get hired at a broker before you can begin selling real estate. This process can take time, but most people are working within 4 to 5 months after starting their education.

How Long In Louisiana?

In Louisiana, you must complete 90 hours of education before sitting for the real estate exam. After completing the exam, you must then find a sponsoring broker in order to apply for your license. After getting sponsored, you must then complete another 45 hours of post licensing education.

Because all the steps in Louisiana are so spread out, it can take up to 6 months to get your license. However, depending on what type of real estate market you live in, it may be easier to find a sponsor. This can significantly cut down the amount of time it takes to begin working as a realtor.

How Long In Utah?

Utah has a unique way of tallying up the amount of education hours you must complete to get licensed. While they require you to take 120 pre licensing hours, they count an hour as being 50 minutes. This means that 120 hours actually only takes 100 hours.

They also allow you to take 8 of these hours in one day. Because of this, you could potentially finish your real estate education in about 2 weeks if you are able to. These regulation loopholes allow some people to get their license within 1 to 2 months.

How Long In Missouri?

Missouri’s education requirement is 72 total hours of real estate classes. These are broken up into 48 hours of pre licensing courses and 24 hours of real estate practice courses. After completing these hours, you must also complete two portions of the real estate exam.

The amount of time it takes to complete all these steps will vary from person to person. However, if you can dedicate the proper amount of time to it, you can complete it in about 2 months. If, however, you fail the exam, you will have to take it again, adding more time to the process.

How Long In Virginia?

Virginia’s education requirement of 60 hours is on the lower end of the spectrum across the U.S. However, like in other states, you must also find a sponsoring broker in order to work as a realtor. This can add some time onto the process depending on the area you live in and what the market is like.

Most people in Virginia end up working within 4 months of starting the process of getting licensed. If you start researching brokerages early, you can be ahead of the game when the time comes.

How Long In Maryland?

Just like in Virginia, Maryland has a 60 hour education requirement for pre licensing. This can be completed at your own pace if you go to an accredited online school. Many of them offer self-paced courses.

If you are able to complete your education at your own pace effectively, the only barrier is the sponsoring broker. Starting research on the brokerage you would like to work for can help cut this time down. This can give you a head start so you can start applying as soon as you pass the exam.

How Long In Kentucky?

In Kentucky, you must complete 96 hours of real estate education before taking the exam. Like in other states, you can cut this time down by taking them in a self-paced, online course. There are a wide variety of national schools that can offer you this option.

The largest time commitment in Kentucky, though, is the background check. Before getting your license you must complete this step, which can take anywhere from 12 to 16 weeks. Therefore, it is imperative that you start this process as soon as you are able.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Real Estate License In Oklahoma?

Oklahoma’s 90 hours of required education is around the top of the national average. This means that you can usually complete them within 1 month if you are able to dedicate the time. However, you must complete them within 6 months, otherwise the hours will be considered null by the state.

Passing the background check can also take a large amount of time. In Oklahoma, a background check can take up to 60 days. Because of this, most people get licensed within 4 months of their original starting time.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Real Estate License In Connecticut?

In Connecticut, most real estate schools offer the 60 hour required courses in 7 week periods. This, combined with the time it takes to register for the exam, usually adds up to about 3 months. Depending on how much prep time you need and the scheduling of the exam, though, it could vary.

If you would like to become a real estate broker in Connecticut, you must complete an additional 30 hours. You must also have completed 20 transactions and have been a real estate agent for 2 years.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Real Estate License In Kansas?

Kansas’ required education hours are broken up into two separate categories. You must complete 30 hours of Principles and 30 hours of real estate Practices. Both of these categories are of equal importance for the state real estate exam.

You must complete your real estate license application within 6 months of passing the exam. In this time, you will have to find a sponsoring broker to work with. This whole process usually takes people anywhere from 2 to 4 months to complete.

Final Thoughts

While all of these processes will vary depending on the person, in general, most get licensed in under 6 months. If you are someone who has the time to dedicate to the process, you can cut this time significantly. It is always best to give yourself enough time to properly learn the material and prepare for your new career.