Here are the top 3 winning picks for the best online real estate schools in Montana. Each will help you get educated fast.
Montana is, overall, a sprawling state that is mostly rural. There are larger cities that are booming and which comes with the need for licensed real estate agents.
A real estate career in Montana can prove to be a fulfilling and successful undertaking for those who are willing to do the work. The first step of that work is to enroll in one of the real estate schools in Montana.
There are three online real estate schools in Montana that have the experience required to help students reach their goals. Whether that is investment opportunities or helping home buyers find that perfect place in Montana, these schools know how to get there.
1. Colibri Real Estate: Best Online Real Estate Class In Montana
As a national online chain, Colibri Real Estate is no stranger to the ever changing real estate industry. With a finger on the pulse of what drives real estate, Colibri Real Estate has developed one of the best online real estate schools in Montana.
With professionally developed real estate classes in Montana, students will be fully prepared for the career ahead of them. Their success rate as well as student satisfaction rate is something that can’t be ignored.
They have 551 reviews on their website with an average star rating of 4.30 out of 5.0. This speaks volumes. The students are pleased overall.
With four packages to choose from, Colibri Real Estate has offered something for every student and budget. This opens up the opportunity for more Montana residents to take part in the career they have always wanted.
The first package of online real estate classes in Montana is appropriately called “the basics.” This package contains all that a Montana student needs to get ready for the exams and licensing.
There are no extra features in this package but it is budget friendly costing under $200. This is best for students that don’t need any help in the motivation department. It is also great for those students that may have some previous experience with Montana real estate.
The basic package comes with the course, the books needed (ebooks), as well as instructor support.
The exam prep package is the next level of learning and offers a little bit more than the basic package. Along with extra exam prep, this is one of the online real estate courses in Montana that offers a pass guarantee.
A pass guarantee is a great thing to have, especially if you don’t do well with testing. This offers protection for your investment. The package also comes with a basic membership for Montana students to prepare for success.
As the packages move on, they provide more features and advantages to the students of Colibri Real Estate. The third package, which is still under $300, adds a real estate dictionary and an instructor Q&A.
Colibri Real Estate understands that it is important to have access to instructors that are working in the industry.
The last package, the only package over $300, continues to build on the previous packages. Offering more that will help students be successful students and real estate agents.
It comes with the printed textbooks as well as a professional development membership that will last for a year.
Colibri Real Estate knows that it may be overwhelming to not only choose between the real estate schools in Montana, but to choose between the packages as well. That is why they made videos to guide the decision.
This real estate school created a video that walks prospective students through the packages. It talks about what they offer and who might be a good fit for that package. The videos take the guesswork out of choosing.
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2. Mbition: Montana Real Estate License Course
OnCourse Learning, otherwise known as Mbition, is a chain real estate school. It is actually one of the best online real estate schools in Montana. They are a simple and user friendly school but that doesn’t mean they don’t know what they are talking about.
Mbition is completely up to date on all of the laws, changes, and inner workings of the real estate industry. Their courses are updated regularly to make sure that everything is as accurate as possible.
They have a variety of offerings as far as courses and packages go. This is one of the online real estate schools in Montana that can take you from start to finish in your career.
They don’t only offer pre-licensing courses but also off the post-licensing and continuing education. Agents will need these courses as well to stay licensed throughout their job.
Real estate agents can even upgrade their license through Mbition if they want to really work for themselves. They also offer exam prep courses to give students a little extra help on the exam front.
As far as pre-licensing goes, there are a few package options that students can choose from. Which they choose will depend on what they need, want, and have the budget for.
The two package options through Mbition are the most expensive we have looked at so far. But they do have some features to justify it.
The Montana Real Estate Pre-licensing Gold Solution offers students an array of features that will help prepare them for the exams. It comes with the course, the exam prep tool kit, the pass guarantee, national real estate exam prep, as well as tech and instructor support.
These are real estate classes in Montana that will make sure you have the support you need to pass your exams the first time.
But if you think you might need more you can choose the Montana Real Estate Pre-licensing Platinum Solution. This has everything the gold solution has but adds a Montana specific exam prep course.
Students can choose to take the course by itself without a package. They will still get the quality course that Mbition is known for but it won’t offer the exam prep and support, however it will be more expensive to buy each component separately.
There is also a bookstore available online for Montana students. This has all of the resources that might be needed to make real estate education easier. Many of these are ebooks but there are also print versions available to be shipped.
3. 360Training from Agent Campus: Montana Real Estate School Online
There are different real estate schools in Montana that offer the pre-licensing courses that are required to obtain a real estate license in Montana. 360Training (Agent Campus) is one of those real estate schools in Montana.
This is an online real estate school that is completely online as well as on-demand. It is fully mobile friendly so students can work on their pre-licensing coursework anywhere they want.
Montana students can take their classes on their lunch breaks or even while waiting at the dentist office. That is something Agent Campus knows is important to their busy students.
There are also two packages for students to choose from so they can get the most from their Montana pre-licensing courses. Both packages are affordable at less than $300 for all of the features.
The first package is the basic package. This course is the required pre-licensing course but adds the real estate math practice. Real estate math takes some practice to master and this package helps students that may struggle in that area.
The next package is the premium pre-licensure package. This has everything the basic package offers as well as national salesperson exam prep and client focused communication.
The client focused communication is added to set up Montana students for success in their everyday practice once they are licensed.
The premium package is the bestselling package for Agent Campus. This is due to the great value that it is. It is still less than $300 and offers more features to push students towards success.
Agent 360 also offers post-licensing and continuing education courses. These will be required to keep your license active.
Prerequisites For Getting a Real Estate License In Montana
The prerequisites for Montana are slightly different from some of the other states. While most states require a high school diploma or equivalent, that is not the case for Montana.
Applicants still need to be 18 years of age or older but they only need to have two years of high school education to proceed with pre-licensing courses.
Requirements For Getting a Real Estate License In Montana
If you have met the prerequisites for the state of Montana real estate licensing then it is time to register for your course of study. You will need to find one of the accredited real estate schools in Montana to complete the work.
You can choose one of the online real estate schools in Montana or go the more traditional route with the in-person schools. Montana requires 60 hours of pre-licensing course work.
Once you pass the final exam you can sit for the state exam. You must pass with a 70 and take the exam within 12 months of passing the course.
If you pass you will need to find a broker to be affiliated with. As soon as you find a broker to mentor you it is time to apply for your real estate license.
After you receive your license you can start working as a licensed real estate agent in Montana.