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Mbition Real Estate Review [formerly OnCourse Learning]

By reading this OnCourse Learning Mbition review, you have already begun the process to decide if this school is right for you. Go through and understand what they offer in each category. Then, decide which is the best possible wait for you to go about getting your real estate license.

UPDATED: October 2024

Our Overall Rating

Making the decision to get your real estate license is never going to be easy. There are so many things to consider and so many different ways to go about it. One of the things you need to know about and be sure of is your learning style.

Because of the wide variety, online real estate schools can often be difficult to navigate. Without knowing your learning style and needs, you could be making the wrong choice. Not all real estate schools are the same and not all of them are going to be good for you.

When you are getting your real estate license, it is important to remember that they vary by state. Many states require you to take over a hundred hours of education. Others will only require you to take fifty. Is important that you know the requirements for your state.

Most real estate schools will automatically offer the required education hours. However, it is not an uncommon occurrence for a student to take the courses for the wrong state. To make sure this doesn’t happen, be certain that you are being educated about the right state.

Mbition Real Estate was formerly called OnCourse Learning. This real estate school was an early adopter of online education and continues to blaze the trail with Mbition. It is always a good idea to go with a real estate school that knows what they’re doing.

In this OnCourse Learning review, we will refer to them as both Mbition and OnCourse Learning. Since they are still making the transition, they still use the OnCourse Learning name in places. However, they are technically called Mbition.

Mbition offers everything you might need to complete your real estate education hours. No matter what your needs are, they will have a course or package that can help. It doesn’t matter whether you are getting your first real estate license or continuing your education.

OnCourse Learning real estate is dedicated to complying with state real estate laws. This is why it is incredibly important that you take the correct course for your state. They want to make sure that you remain compliant and have no issues moving forward.

Overview Of OnCourse Learning Mbition Real Estate School

OnCourse Learning overview

When getting your real estate license with OnCourse real estate, you are joining three-quarters of a million people. So many have gone through the process just like you are and have completed it. Mbition helped all those people, odds are they can help you.

The basic course packages at this real estate school cover everything having to do with real estate law. You will learn things like closings, accounts, and specific things to your state. This can be very helpful out in the field as an agent.

Mbition real estate Offers classes in a self-guided lesson plan. This means that you do not have to attend any in-person classes. You can finish your real estate education at your own pace and within your own schedule.

Since they are able to offer these courses as self-guided lessons, you can do them anywhere. OnCourse Learning offers their classes through mobile apps, online portals and more. They are incredibly accessible and open to just about anyone.

When you sign up for one of their packages, you will be sent links and materials to review on your own time. This is what makes them so flexible and ideal for busy students. Many real estate schools only offer online face-to-face instruction.

The issue with this face-to-face instruction is that you will be beholden to the schedule of classes. With this school’s independent study, you can complete your education hours on your own time.

OnCourse Learning offers classes in 25 states. It will be very important that you select the correct state for your education hours. Laws and codes change depending on the state. Your license will only be valid in the state that it was issued.

Mbition pride themselves on being accessible and open to all kinds of students. This is incredibly valuable for most real estate students. Many people are trying to get their license and work a full-time job at the same time.

In-Depth Look At OnCourse Learning Mbition Real Estate Course

Mbition real estate offers three different course packages for getting a new license. By understanding what each of these packages includes, you pick the best one. Each of them have benefits and drawbacks.

Silver Package

This school’s silver package is the most basic package they offer. With it, you will receive an ebook with your lessons, practice exams and instructor support.

Gold Package

The gold package is a little more comprehensive than the basic silver. It has all the same features as the silver package but includes the Math Master course. The Math Master course is essential for anyone who wants to become an agent but needs a math refresher. This package is also quite a bit pricier.

Platinum Package

Mbition real estate’s Platinum package is the most deluxe and comprehensive package they offer. The thing that really makes this Platinum package worth it is the pass or no pay guarantee. This means that if you do not pass the state real estate license exam, you don’t pay for your courses.

The Platinum package, while very comprehensive, is also slightly pricey. Because of this, it is not going to be accessible to everyone. This will have to be a consideration you make when picking your package.

Some things you should look for are whether or not the package offers exam prep. Some people find that exam prep is the most valuable part of the course. Others are confident with test-taking and don’t need the extra help.

You may also want to know whether or not you need the Math Master course. Math is an essential part of the daily life of a real estate agent. It is incredibly important that you are confident with math and can catch on quickly.

OnCourse Learning offers training for other things besides your pre-licensure course. They also offer Refreshers, continued education and other benefits. These individual courses are generally cheaper and faster than the pre-licensure courses.

OnCourse Learning real estate Also has one of the most extensive digital libraries available. They have many extra text books that you can purchase separately that will help you along the way. These texts may also be beneficial in your work as a real estate agent.

This library contains things like a real estate dictionary and encyclopedia of real estate law. These references will come up over and over again. There will always be a use for them and some of them are relatively inexpensive for the information they provide.

OnCourse Learning Mbition Real Estate School Pricing


When looking for a real estate school, pricing is something that is going to be a consideration. Not all real estate schools are affordable and this can be a real roadblock. The cost of education in general is fairly high.

However, real estate school is usually cheaper than most other schools. It also happens much quicker and therefore requires less time and effort. If you can get through your courses quickly, all the more power to you.

Silver Pricing

The silver package for OnCourse Learning real estate is one of the cheapest real estate school packages available. at just over $100, this package is affordable for almost anyone. It may be worth it for someone who wants to get their license but doesn’t necessarily want to work full-time.

Gold Pricing

The gold package is quite a bit more expensive. At around $230, this package is twice as much but also offers a lot more preparation. It also comes with the Math Master course which, as we have discussed, may be essential.

Platinum Pricing

OnCourse Learning real estate’s Platinum package is the most comprehensive and most expensive. However at just under $300, it is not prohibitive. Seeing as it comes with a pass or no pay guarantee, this extra $70 could end up paying for itself.

One of the downsides of OnCourse real estate is that the entire tuition is due up front. Many other real estate schools offer payment plans or complete payment upon finishing. This is going to be something that you have to think about. If you can’t front the tuition right away, you will have to wait.

As far as comparative prices go, Mbition is relatively inexpensive. Many other online real estate schools offer packages like the Platinum one for far more money. Prices vary slightly from state to state, but in general they are much cheaper.

This affordability might be the most convincing feature they offer. Education is so often prohibitively expensive, but they are keeping it open to everyone. This is a major plus for those trying to balance work and life.

Pros And Cons Of Using OnCourse Learning Mbition Real Estate School


  • Affordability – The price of the Mbition courses is perhaps the most appealing outside. You are not going to find prices like these at other real estate schools. This makes them incredibly attractive to all kinds of people.
  • Flexible Schedule – Many other real estate schools only offer in person online instruction. This means that you have to adhere to the course’s syllabus and schedule. For people who work other full-time jobs, this is not possible. Mbition real estate lets you take their courses at your own pace.
  • Guarantee – The pass or no pay guarantee is perhaps the most coveted guarantee in all of real estate education. This guarantee can instill a sense of confidence that could make or break passing the test. Many people get in their own way during an exam and having that guarantee could help with that.
  • Longevity – This real estate school has been around for a long time. If you are concerned about signing up for real estate school, this could ease your mind. They have helped so many students get their license, they can certainly help you get yours.
  • Interactive Courses: The real estate course offered by Mbition real estate is very well done. The course has interactive content rather than just plain text. The lessons are broken down into bite sized segments with short fun quizzes throughout making learning much easier.
  • Wide Variety Of States Offered – OnCourse Learning real estate offers courses in many states and more being added all the time. This means that most people will have their courses available to them. Many real estate schools only offer courses for a few states.


  • Cost Disparity – Is interesting how the pricing for Mbition real estate works. The price difference between the silver package in the gold package is huge. However, the difference between the gold and platinum packages is very little.
  • No In-Person Option – If you are the type of person who benefits from in person instruction, you may want to look elsewhere. OnCourse Learning real estate only offers self-guided lessons. This is a plus for some, but for others there is no way it will work.
  • No Hard-Copy Textbooks – All of the textbooks for these courses are in PDF, digital form. While this is cheaper and more accessible, it is not ideal. Multiple studies have shown that people learn better when they have physical books to write in and read. If you know that this is something you need, they may not be your best option.
  • Guarantee is Only for Platinum Package – The Platinum package is the only course package that comes with a pass or no pay guarantee. This means that if you go through the other two packages, you don’t get that guarantee at all. Not offering that for the more affordable options is a major downside.
  • Limited Final Exam Attempts – With Mbition OnCourse Learning you only get two chances to take the course final exam. If you do not pass after this you must contact your course administrator to see if you can take it again. Others such as AceableAgent allow unlimited passing attempts.

Conclusion And Verdict

Many former students of Mbiton real estate have reported that the courses were helpful and comprehensive. Just like any other educational endeavor, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. This is especially true with self-guided lessons and independent study.

Other former students also express a little bit of frustration at the change in name. Since they are formerly known as OnCourse Learning and have changed their name to Mbition this is the confusion. They made this change in June of 2020 so all of these issues should have been worked out by now.

We like the fact that the Mbition course is broken down into nice bit sized lessons making learning much easier. It has an interactive flow that some courses don’t have.

Getting a real estate license is a smart decision for just about anyone. However, it is an especially good idea if you are outgoing, love people and want to help. Those are the three most important qualities for a real estate agent to have.

By reading this Mbition review, you have already taken some of the steps necessary to get started. Planning out your education and how you think you can best complete it is an essential first step. Not all people learn the same and it’s so important that you find courses that understand this.

This OnCourse Learning review is meant to give you an idea of what the courses are like. However, only you can really know if they’re going to work for you. Take your time, plan things out and then get out in the world and start selling real estate.